Beanies are a great hat to throw on if you are having a bad hair day, or to keep your head warm in the winter time. But what happens if a beanie makes your head greasy?
Here Are 5 Reasons Why Beanies Make Your Hair Greasy:
Beanies do make some peoples hair greasy, this is due to:
The hat locking in the heat inside the hat
Your hair is unable to breathe
You are washing your hair too often and then wearing a beanie
Your scalp produces more oil than other people
The food or diet you are eating makes your hair greasy when wearing a hat
Throughout this article we will discuss beanies, what and how beanies make your hair greasy, and some easy things you can do to make your hair clean and free from oil when you are wearing a hat. Thanks for reading.

Reasons Why Beanies Make Your Hair Greasy
They lock in the heat
Beanies are designed to insulate your hair and keep out the chill when the weather is cold. However, this increased amount of heat on your hair and scalp can actually lead to your hair becoming greasy. Your scalp needs a good amount of cool, fresh air to combat the effects of too much heat, otherwise the greasiness will be very noticeable as soon as you remove your hat.
When the head becomes too hot, your scalp will start to sweat and spread moisture all across the top of your head. Sweat facilitates the overproduction of sebum, a natural oil that makes your scalp look greasy until you wash it out with shampoo in the shower. The longer you keep your beanie on, the more likely it is that sweat and sebum will overproduce on your scalp and contribute to greasiness.
Your hair is unable to breathe
It might sound strange, but your hair and scalp both need to breathe the same as your skin. The heat trapped inside your beanie causes the air to stagnate, which makes it impossible for your hair to breathe. When this happens, none of the heat or moisture can escape from under your hat, so it soaks into your hair and makes it greasy instead.
In order to stay healthy, your hair follicles need a regular supply of oxygen. Even if your hair is freshly washed and clean, if it can’t properly breathe throughout the day, it will become greasy. The only way to prevent this from happening is to regularly take your beanie off once your head has warmed up so that it can breathe without being restricted by the hat.
You wash your hair too often
Washing your hair is the way to get rid of a greasy scalp, so why is washing it too often a problem? Well, shampoo is full of excellent properties that clean hair and remove excessive, but using it too often will start to strip out the essential oils completely. Your scalp then responds by overproducing sebum and other oils to compensate for the loss, making your hair greasy.
Wearing a beanie if you wash your hair too often will only make the problem of grease worse. You’ll end up introducing more moisture to your scalp, which will then make it even greasier. Washing your hair too often makes it think that it needs more natural oils than it does, and the hot, enclosed environment of a beanie will only make this problem worse.
Your scalp produces more oil than other people’s
Everybody’s hair is different, so it’s not uncommon for some people’s scalps to produce more oil. There isn’t anything you can do to change the type of hair that you have, but once you know exactly what makes it naturally become greasy, you can work to lower the risks. Avoiding wearing a beanie, or minimising how much your wear one, is a good place to start.
Scalps that naturally overproduce oils likely have overactive sebaceous glands, which just means that the hair follicles are overproducing sebum because they think that your hair needs more to keep it clean. Beanies confine these glands to a moist environment and causes sweat and sebum to spread through your hair. Even though you can’t change what your glands naturally do, you can keep them cool and in a fresh, open environment.
Your diet
Your diet affects lots of things relating to your body, such as your weight, your skin and your health, but it can also affect your hair. This is because a diet that is particularly high in carbohydrates and saturated fats accelerates oil production in your skin, which includes your scalp. As your scalp releases this oil, it spreads across the top of your head, making your hair visibly greasy.
A beanie and your diet aren’t directly related, but if your diet is causing increased oil production, wearing a beanie will, again, only make conditions worse for your scalp. It can be hard to identify if your diet is responsible for your greasy hair, but if you notice it becoming a problem, try to limit the amount of time that you wear a beanie to stop it from getting worse.
Ways To Stop Your Hair Becoming Greasy From A Beanie
Dry shampoo
Dry shampoo is a great way to eliminate greasy hair without taking much time out of your day. A small can of dry shampoo can be taken out with you and then applied to your hair whenever it is needed. If your hair starts to look greasy due to a beanie, applying some dry shampoo will help to take out the moisture and refresh your scalp.
You can also apply a bit of dry shampoo to your hair before you put a beanie on if you’re worried about it becoming greasy throughout the day. Your hair may still become moist or sweaty when you’re wearing the hat, especially if you’re wearing it for several hours straight, but it might halt the overproduction of sebum and keep your hair feeling fresher.
Texturizing spray
Texturizing spray might be known more for its volume-inducing properties that help with styling hair, but it is also a great way to extract excess oil from your hair. In a sense, it is a good stand-in for dry shampoo if you don’t have any to hand. Applying a few sprays to greasy hair will help to remove the build-up of oils and freshen it up.
Like dry shampoo, you can also apply some texturizing spray to your hair before you put a beanie on. It will help to absorb any oils that the hair produces and also keep it styled in place, if you’re worried about the hat messing it up. Sometimes, using a product before your scalp becomes very greasy is the best way to catch excessive sebum production and deal with it.